Full Stack


Top rated by 1000+ Students


About Course in Eddoc Technologies

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Our Full Stack Development Course, powered by Eddoc Technologies, equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in today’s dynamic tech industry. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to upskill, our course offers a complete pathway to becoming a proficient full stack developer.Dive into the world of technology and become a versatile developer ready to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation.

Become a Versatile Developer

Our Full-Stack Development course is designed to equip you with the comprehensive skills needed to build, manage, and maintain end-to-end applications. Learn to develop both client-side and server-side software, giving you the ability to tackle any challenge in the Software Development Lifecycle.

Full-Stack Development



Overview :
Detailed course Contents:

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing CSS3 based Web applications. This course builds strong foundation on CSS3 which will help developer to use CSS3 concepts for building responsive Web application

  • Introduction CSS3

  • CSS3 syntax

  • CSS3 How to

  • CSS3 Colours

  • CSS3 Filters

  • CSS3 Responsive

  • CSS3 Box sizing

  • CSS3 Backgrounds

  • CSS Links

  • CSS Lists

  • CSS Tables

  • CSS Box Model

  • CSS Outline

  • CSS Display

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop JavaScript based Web applications. This course builds strong foundation of JavaScript which will help developer to apply JavaScript concepts for responsive Web Frontend and Backend Development

Hyper Text Markup Language [HTML 5]
  • CSS3 Multiple Columns

  • CSS3Animations

  • CSS3 Boarders

  • CSS Height/Width

  • CSS Pedding

  • CSS Height/Width

  • CSS3 Gradients

  • CSS3 Shadows

  • CSS3 Text

  • .CSS3 Fonts

  • CSS3 2D Transforms

  • CSS3 3D Transforms

  • CSS3 Buttons

  • CSS3 Pagination

  • CCS Max-Width

  • CSS Position

  • CSS Float

  • CCS Inline-block

  • CSS Align

  • CSS Combinators

  • CSS Pseudo-element

  • CSS Navigation bar

  • CSS Dropdowns

  • CSS Tooltips

  • CSS Images

  • CSS Attr Selectors

  • CSS Forms

  • CSS Counters

Overviews :

This course is targeted for fresh engineers or professional who want to build competency in the Bootstrap Based Web development

Detailed course Contents:
  • Introduction to Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap Basics

  • Bootstrap Grids

  • Bootstrap Themes

  • Bootstrap CSS

  • Bootstrap JS

Detailed course Contents:
  • Introduction of JavaScript

  • JavaScript language Basics

  • JavaScriptObjects

  • JavaScript Scope

  • JavaScriptEvents

  • JavaScript Strings

  • JavaScript Numbers

  • JavaScript Math

  • JavaScript Arrays

  • JavaScript Boolean

  • JavaScript Comparisons

  • JavaScript Conditions

  • JavaScript Switch

  • JavaScript Loops

  • JavaScript Types Convers

  • JavaScript RegExp

  • JavaScript Errors

  • JavaScript Debugging

  • JavaScript Hoisting

  • JavaScript Strict Mode

  • JavaScript Functions

  • JavaScript Objects

  • JavaScript forms

  • JavaScript HTML DOM

  • JavaScript BOM

Overview :

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop jQuery mobile based responsive Web application. It builds strong foundation of jQuery which will help developer to apply concepts for responsive Web Frontend development.

Detailed course Contents:
  • Query Effects

  • JQuery HTML

  • jQuery Traversing

  • JQuery AJAX & Misc

  • Introduction to jQuery

  • jQuery syntax

  • jQuery Selectors

  • JQuery Events

PHP Crash Course
Storing and retrieving data
Using Arrays
String Manipulation and Regular Expressions
  • Using PHP

  • Embedded PHP in HTML

  • Adding Dynamic Content

  • Accessing form Variables

  • Opening a file

  • Writing a File

  • Closing a File

  • Reading from a File

  • Numerically Indexed Array

  • Associative Arrays

  • Sorting Arrays

  • Recording Arrays

  • PHP

  • Formatting strings

  • joining and Splitting strings with string functions

  • Comparing Strings

  • Matching and Replacing Substrings with string functions

Reusing code and Writing Functions
  • Using require() and include()

  • Using Functions

  • Parameters

  • Recursion

Object-oriented PHP
  • Object- Oriented Concepts & Creating Classes, Attributes, Operations in PHP

  • Implementing Inheritance in PHP & signing Classes

MVC with Laravel
  • Laravel Installation

  • Working with Forms

  • Working with Controller

  • Laravel blade Template with Bootstrap

  • response with HTML

  • Laravel migration

  • Laravel Request, Models

  • Laravel eloquent ORM

  • build a complete app in Laravel

Designing your Web database
  • Relational Database Concepts

  • How to design Your Database & Web Database Architecture

Creating your Web database
  • Creating Database and Users

  • introduction to MYSQL’ Privilege system

  • Setting Up a User for the Web

  • Creating Database Tables

Working with your MYSQL database
  • Inserting, Retrieving and Updating Data in to the Database

  • Altering Tables after Creation

Accessing your MYSQL Database from the Web with PHP
  • How Web Database Architectures Work

  • Checking and Filtering Input Data

  • Setting Up a connection & Querying the Database

Detailed Course Content
  • Introduction to ReactJS

  • Understand ReactJSLibrary &directory

  • Types of Components

  • Build a simple React component

  • Component composition

  • Add styles to your Components

  • Component inter communication

  • How to pass data from one component to another

  • Routing

  • Using Routing to create single page app

  • Hooks

  • States

  • Hooks VS States

  • Types of Hooks

  • Redux

  • Using Redux as state container for React apps

  • React Bootstrap

  • How to deploy ReactJS App

  • Introduction to Nodejs

  • Architecture of Nodejs Application

  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming

  • Call back Function in nodejs

  • Promises in Nodejs

  • Mongodb with Nodejs

  • Design the Schema in Nodejs

  • Design the Rest API's


  • JSON Web Token Authentication in Nodejs

  • Create the Auth App in Nodejs

  • Create the E-commerce Backend

  • Integrated Payment Gateway

ExpressJS ( Building RESTFUL API's Using Express_)
  • Introduction to Nodejs

  • Architecture of Nodejs Application

  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming

  • Call back Function in nodejs

  • Promises in Nodejs

  • Mongodb with Nodejs

  • Design the Schema in Nodejs

  • Design the Rest API's


  • JSON Web Token Authentication in Nodejs

  • Create the Auth App in Nodejs

  • Create the E-commerce Backend

  • Integrated Payment Gateway

Angular (Type Script)
  • Introduction to Angular

  • Angular Application Architecture

  • What is NgModule

  • Angular Components

  • AngularTemplates

  • Data Binding

  • Types of Data Binding

  • Modules Component Working

  • Directives

  • Structure Directives

  • Template Routing

  • Theme implementation in Angular Framework

  • Angular forms

  • Services

  • Inject Services

  • Angular Server Communication with Backend server

  • Working of Api's (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE)

  • Complete web application in Angular framework

  • Introduction to MongoDB

  • Collections in MongoDB

  • Documents in MongoDb

  • Difference between MYSQL and NoSQL

  • Inserting data into database

  • Filter queries in MongoDB database

  • Schema validation in MongoDP database

  • Indexing in collections

  • Aggregation in MongoDB

  • Embedded document in MongoDB


This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing HTML5 based single page application for browsers. This course builds strong foundation on HTML5 which will help developer to use HTML5 concepts for building responsive Web application.

Overview :
Detailed course Contents:
  • Introduction HTML

  • HTML Basics

  • HTML Elements

  • HTML Semantic

  • HTML Attributes

  • HTML Headings

  • HTML Paragrap

  • HTML Styles

  • HTML Formatting

  • HTML Quotations

  • HTML Head

  • HTML CSS, Links and Images

  • HTML Computer Code

  • HTML Comments & Colors

  • HTML Lists

  • HTML Blocks

  • HTML Classes

  • HTML Layout

  • HTML Responsive

  • HTML frames

  • HTML JavaScript

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

Looking for In-Depth Syllabus Information

"Create, Code, Conquer : Full Stack Development Awaits"

What will You Learn

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Database & Storage

Version Control & Collaboration

Cloud & Devops Deployment

Capstone Project

Online Learning with Weekdays / Weekend

Live Classes & Mentoring Sessions


What is Full-Stack Development ?
With full-stack development, you can oversee the entire development process by creating both the front-end (user interface) and back-end (server, database) of web applications.
Who is this course for?
Beginners, aspiring developers, front-end or back-end developers, and IT professionals looking to broaden their web development skill set should all take this course.
How long is the course at Eddoc Technology?
Depending on your learning speed and whether you select full- or part-time choices, the course lasts anywhere from three to six months.
Will I receive a certification from Eddoc Technology?
Yes, upon successfully completing the course and project assessments, you will receive a Full-Stack Development certification from Eddoc Technology, which can help you stand out in the job market.
How do I enroll in the Full-Stack Development course at Eddoc Technology?
To enroll, simply visit our website and complete the online registration form. Our admissions team will reach out to guide you through the next steps.



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Full Stack Developer

Amazon Web Service

Artificial Intelligence

Data science

Data Analytics





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